author Carmela Audero

Carmela Audero


  • Pain in the interscapular region does not indicate any particular disease, but is a manifestation of numerous abnormalities in the work of organs located outside the pain concentration zone. The article provides information on the causes and treatment of pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.
    1 January 2022
  • Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is characterized by stabbing pain in the chest. It is important to distinguish the symptoms of coronary artery disease. The neurologist treats. Prescribe NSAIDs, ointments, massages, and exercise therapy.
    12 June 2021
  • What is the danger of acute osteochondrosis of the cervical spine? How does the illness emerge? The main symptoms and their diagnosis. Psychosomatics for cervical osteochondrosis.
    14 September 2020